The Cultural Mandate
In the beginning of the relationship between God and mankind, God commands all of humanity to develop the good, but raw creation. God invites people into this glorious endeavor – to build a God-honoring culture where humanity flourishes.
The Great Commandment
In this relationship between God and humanity, as told in the Bible, the people of God are further charged with loving God and loving the people around them – in their neighborhood and around the world.
The Great Commission
As Jesus gives his final instructions to his disciples before returning home to His Father, he charges the church with the collective effort of disciple-making.
Why Stewardship
is Important to Us
We believe stewardship is managing resources in accordance with the character, instructions, and goals of the owner. We also hold firm to the belief that God is the owner and provider of everything. Our role as believers is to steward all that God has entrusted to us for his glory and the common good. We see this working within these three biblical mandates:
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At Provision, these biblical mandates drive our mission. Provision aims to encourage and enable faithful and wise financial stewardship for the glory of God and the good of the world.
Why Provision?
Our name draws inspiration from the biblical narrative found in Genesis 22. In this passage, we encounter God as Jehovah-Jireh, 'the Lord provides.' Here, God intervenes as Abraham obediently prepares to sacrifice his son, Isaac. In this pivotal moment, the Lord provides a ram caught in a thicket, offering it as a substitute for Issac. This profound act underscores God's faithfulness and commitment to meeting our needs, even in the most challenging of circumstances. Our brand mark is a representation of a ram's horn, drawing us to the imagery found in this biblical narrative.
While we recognize God owns everything and is the provider for all our needs, we also recognize God often chooses to work through his people to make provision for the common good and the advancement of the gospel. That is why Provision aims to encourage and enable faithful and wise financial stewardship for the glory of God and the good of the world.

Who We Are
Growing Stewardship for Good
Provision Financial Resources stands as a ready and trusted financial partner for NC Baptist churches, ministries, their leaders, and their members. Founded in 1920 as the North Carolina Baptist Foundation, the historical intent of our purpose remains - Provision aims to foster stewardship and generosity in support of gospel-advancing causes. Our team of professionals is equipped to help Christians and Christian organizations through financial stewardship education, planned giving programs, investments, and lending.